Disabling Creating Root Folders
Disabling Creating Root Folders
Hey guys,
Im an administrator in my instance and would like to prevent other users from creating root folders in the folder tree area. Is there any way to remove that option when creating a folder/designer project?
Hey Grass,
You can do exactly that by opening the [b]Portal Settings[/b] under the [b]Root Folder Settings [/b]section. There are multiple settings that can toggle whether any users can create root folders and, if so, which user groups.
In your case, ensure the [b]Add Allow Any User To Create Root Folder [/b]setting is set to False and that the [b]Groups Allowed to Create Root Folders [/b]setting includes just Administrators.
I hope this answers your question! If you need further help, please reach out.
Howdy, Stranger!
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