Minimum Required Environment Variables

Minimum Required Environment Variables


  • Hi Decisions,

    I am attempting to create a Docker container and am making the env.list, but I am a little lost as to what variables I need to add to get this up and running.

    I am interested in the absolute minimum required variables the container need and then, hopefully, a list of environment variables I can add on from there.

  • Hi Grass! So, at the very minimum containers are going to need these variables. The variable with the asterisk () is not needed for only Azure containers.
    [ul][li][li]DECISIONS_DATABASECONNECTSTRING -Configures the containers connection to its database.[/li][li]DECISIONS_DATABASETYPE - Configures what type of database the container uses.[/li][li]DECISIONS_FILESTORAGELOCATION - Configures what location data volumes are mapped towards to allow containers to preserve persistent data. Since containers are Linux-based, paths for the file storage will be case-sensitive. [/li][li]
    DECISIONS_PORTALBASEURL Configures the URL of the container consisting of the domain name and its port.[/li][/li][/ul]In our [url=]Creating Environment List Files[/url] article, we provide example values for these and we also provide a template Docker env.list you can copy and paste into your env.list.

    Furthermore, that article contains both required and optional environment variables you can add. If you wanted to, for example, add HTTPS to your container, this article lists the necessary variables for that.

    I hope this helps and let me know if I can further elaborate on anything.

  • "[font=Roboto]The variable with the asterisk (*) is not needed for only Azure containers." [/font]This is especially noticeable. After reading this support post I found out about it. Thank you very much.

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