Form Output visible in Flow but not in Form?
Hi all,
I have a form Im working on for my colleague, but I dont see where one of the outcome paths are coming from...
I have a single submit button, but I see this Admin_Completion path. Any ideas?
I know other paths can be generated if I had a mobile form and tablet form, but there are none applied. Screenshot below:
[i]edited by jmcmann49 on 3/19/2020[/i] -
Hi jmcmann,
I would check if you have an [b]Additional Assignment Actions [/b]in your Assignment Setup. Click edit on in the properties of the form in the flow designer displayed below:
Im expecting youll see this on the bottom of this box that shows the assignment setup.
This outcome is triggered by another action it would appear and may be utilized when a user has the Admin_Completion response for this specific assignment ID (may be using the [b]Process Form Assignment[/b] step).
Howdy, Stranger!
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