Pass Data From Repeater to Main form
I have a main form and inside is an imbedded data repeater. I want to get a data from the data repeater and pass it to the main form. For example a certain field in the first row. How can I achieve this? I tried the same thing when passing a data from main form to data repeater but it didnt work.
Ezra -
I would recommend taking a look at this document that has a data repeater control taking data from the flow as well as from a data flow being executed. You need to ensure that the datanames and the output datanames from your dataflows match exactly.
Let me know if this doesnt help
Hi Will,
What I mean is to pass a data from the data repeater to the main form, not from the data repeater itself. From the sample in the documents above, when inputting a data from the data repeater, the other fields will auto populate. What the goal is when I input a data in the data repeater, it gets passed to a field in the main form.
Ezra -
Hello Ezra,
Ive attached a sample project to this response that should give you something tangible when it comes to what youre asking for. Effectively what youre going to want to do is use our Active Form Flows to take the data from the selected data repeater (whatever youre typing in) and then use the "Set Form Control" step and pass in the fields you want to populate and the main values.
Walking through it, it should look something like the following:Make a data repeater and set the data name value:
Youll then want to make an active form flow as shown at this documentation ( that looks something like this:The form control being the textbox or whatever control whose value you want to change and value being the value of the data repeater value that youve just typed in. You can configure that rule to run whenever a selected item or value is changed in the data repeater.
Does this address your use case?
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