Decisions mobile capabilities?
Hi all,
I was wondering if someone would be able to enlighten me on what the mobile capabilities of Decisions are at the moment?
Hi jmcmann49!
This will be split into two parts:
- Mobile-Dashboard Friendliness
Current mobile compatibility.
Mobile-Dashboard Friendliness
Developments in the mobile department have not been put on the forefront thus far. Its on the road map for us to have a mobile app, but this has been sidelined by other pressing tasks for the desktop application and making sure those stabilities and features are implemented. I do not currently have an ETA on when we may have a mobile-dashboard component in-place.Current mobile compatibility
Ive attached a project called Scotts Mobile Interface Test (root folder will be created). This contains 1 flow and multiple forms. Please right click the flow and publish this to the workflow with the below settings:
[img][/img]Once you publish this, youll be able to log into a Decisions instance on your mobile device and run the flow via the Workflow Catalog.
NOTE: These forms are configured in the Form Setup option as discussed. Upon logging into a Decisions instance on a smart phone, you can see your current assignments and launch any workflow catalog item that has the "ShowOnMobile" flag ticked.
If you run this flow on a desktop then run it on a mobile device, you should see a label indicating if its the mobile or desktop layout. The flow hits a single form item, but will load a different from for desktop or mobile users. The desktop form will simply say its a desktop form. The mobile form has examples of showing a drop down with users, an option that allows you to see the current datetime it was kicked off, and another that shows the current user. This is an example of how you can currently run your interface for mobile users.
One more quick recap:
- The way you can access these forms are either via integration links (similar to how assignment emails send out or via the integration page of a flow) or through the workflow catalog on the mobile decisions interface.
- Further mobile dashboard capabilities are on the roadmap for things to be implemented.
[i]edited by on 5/8/2020[/i]
[i]edited by on 8/12/2020[/i]
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