Divider/Line For Forms?
Ive searched high and low but cant seem to find it, but how would I go about adding a simple line that divides sections on a form?
Like that. A horizontal rule as Outlook calls it.
I dont know if you still need this, but I thought Id post for other people searching. I found a kind of cheeky way to do it when I was looking for ways. This assumes you are using one of the grid layouts.
- Create a row or column where you want your dividing line to be.
- Add a canvas layout to a cell in that row, and span it across the length you want the dividing line.
- Set the border width for the canvas to some value (I find 1 works well for my needs).
- Set the border color of the canvas to whatever color you want
- In the grid, set the height of the row (or width of the column) to twice the border width you set above (2 in this example)
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