Scheduled flow doesn't execute sometimes
Hello all,
I meet a problem that scheduled flow doesnt execute during an uncertain period of time of the day. I set the time span to execute the flow as 5min and the Run Duration of the flow is 1min5sec. Everyday there are 2 segments of approximately 25min where no result is collected, but the flow should execute every 5min. You can see the segments in screenshot.
I dont know what could potentially cause this problem and Id appreciate some help.
Hi Boxuan,
We can definitely look into this issue for you. Please share the below Reports with us:
[ul][li]Schedule Job report found at System → Administration → Jobs and Events → Schedule Job[/li][li]Schedule Job Log report found at System → Administration → System Tools → Event Viewer. This report is present as part of a tab in the Event Viewer folder.[/li][/ul]
These Reports should help us troubleshoot why the Schedule Jobs did not run during a particular time period. Please refer to for information on downloading Reports. -
[color=#4682b4]Thanks for your help, Im sharing the 2 reports with you. The flow that we have an issue with is [/color][font=Heebo, OpenSans, Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][Zity] [2.0] Update cscar history hourly in kibana by plate number.[/font][color=#4682b4]
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