ID Generation - what happens when you reach limit?
What happens when you reach the number limit during ID generation? What I mean is, I didnt set a pad level, so my ID generator is using 6 digits, which will give me 1M records. However, it appears we will need to exceed that, and I cant find anything that indicates what happens after ID 999999. Will it automatically pad another 0 and go to 1000000 or will it roll over and start at 1? I just need to know for planning purposes. Looks like I have about 1 month before I hit my limit.
Hello Ross,
Id generation will simply add another zero and keep going as far as whats tracked in the database. However, if you have not set up your steps to use more than six numbers, the ID strings will not generate properly and wont be usable when it rolls over to seven digits.
To get around this, you will have to preemptively change your steps to increase the length of the IDs to seven digits (i.e. the flow prefix length on a Setup Process Folder or the length on a GetNextIDFillWithPadChar).
Howdy, Stranger!
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