Change loading icons
Is there a way to change the loading icon? I could like to use a custom gif instead.
Hi Grass,
You can use the [b]Theme Editor [/b]to customize your Decisions UI like theme colors, font style(s), and loading icons. You can only view this with an account that can view the System settings, so ensure your account can view this. Right click on the System tab/folder then select [b]Theme Editor [/b]in the action menu.
From the Theme Editor window, you can search for specific elements such as "loading icon". Select an item, ensure the [b]Pick Image [/b]radio button is enabled, then click on the item to open the [b]Pick Image [/b]window where you can replace the default image with one selected from either the [b]Decisions Image Library[/b], from an uploaded file, or from a URL.
The icon you are looking for is highlighted in the attached screenshot.
For step-by-step instructions on how to use the Theme Editor, please refer to our [b][url=]Theme Editor Overview[/url] [/b]article.
NOTE: Currently, the quickest way to revert any changes involves deleting the custom .less file i.e. deleting ALL custom changes, so individual changes must be manually reverted. It is recommended to keep a record of all changes made in case any of these may need to be reverted.
[i]edited by on 4/10/2022[/i]
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