Where to find version info
Where can I find out the version number of Decisions I am running?
There are multiple ways to find this information in the platform. If youd just like to view the information you can either:
[ul][li]Select the profile icon from the top left. In the drop-down menu, select [b]About [/b]and view the version information in the popup.[/li][li]In an account that can view the [b]System Settings [/b](the gear icon in v8), select it to view the [b][url=https://documentation.decisions.com/v8/docs/customizing-system-page?highlight=system setting pa]System Page[/url][/b]. Version information appears under the System Information section of the page.[/li][/ul]
If you need this information for Flow logic, you can find this via the [b]Get Framework Version Number [/b]step you can either search for in the Toolbox or find it via System > Advanced > Studio in the Toolbox.[img]att1[/img]
[i]edited by amber.blanton@decisions.com on 4/10/2022[/i]
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