Processing List with For Each Step

Processing List with For Each Step


  • Hi,

    I have a list and process each item using for each step and it go to next item by clicking a button. However, I want to go back to the previous item using another button. I have setup the button and the all however I cant see what step to use to go back to previous item. How can I achieve this?


  • [color=#1d1c1d]Hello,[/color]
    [color=#1d1c1d]Yes, it is possible.[/color]
    [color=#1d1c1d]I have created a project for reference that uses a folder entity structure and the GetItemByIndex step to iterate between items using the Previous and the Next step and attached it over here.[/color]
    [color=#1d1c1d]Please refer to it and let me know if you have any questions.[/color]
    [color=#1d1c1d]Osman Zama[/color]

  • Hi Osman,

    Thanks! However, upon testing it, when i am already in Product2, I clicked on previous and go to Product1. However, when I clicked next again, it goes straight to Product3. Is there a way to make to so that after clicking previous, Product2 will not be skipped upon clicking next again?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]Hello,
    [/font][/color][color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]
    [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]Please note that if you want to move between the previous and the next items of a List, ForEach Step would not be an appropriate step. When using ForEach, when you move between items using the next and previous step, it will be difficult to complete the loop.[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]Based on the requirement of the moving item, I have created and attached an example that uses GetItemByIndex and not the ForEach step which you can refer to.[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]
    [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]Let me know if you have any further questions and Ill be happy to open a support request and address it.[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]
    [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]Regards[/font][/color]
    [color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, Slack-Fractions, appleLogo, sans-serif]Osman Zama[/font][/color]

  • Hi Osman,

    Thanks! This is great help. Just final question. I want it to automatically be done when clicking next and it is already in the last list/item. Not by clicking the done button. How can I achieve this?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • Hello

    I have modified the project as per your requirements where the form automatically goes to the end step when on the last item.
    I have also added a logic wherein the Form if you click the Previous button when the first item is being displayed, it will show a pop up stating that the First Item is being displayed and there are no items before it.

    Osman Zama

  • Hi Osman,

    Thank you very much for the help! Much appreciated.
    Just a clarification though, why do you put create data step even if there is no data to create?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • Hello

    Ill be opening a support ticket and will be addressing your issue in the ticket.
    We can get on a call as well. Ill be sending you an email with the details.

    Osman Zama

  • Hi Osman,

    No problem. Thanks!


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