[T-013027] Excel
Hello Support,
I have a an excel sheet that has 100+ records in it. Is there a step in Decisions where I can grab a column from the excel sheet and incorporate it into my flow? I was told there is one in the Integrations folder but I do not know which one. My normal process is to either create a Truth table or create a data structure and upload my excel sheet and load it into the data structure. I’m sure there’s a more efficient way of doing this.
Yes. I believe there is a more efficient way of reading a single spreadsheet column into your flow, without making a truth table or data structure.
Use the CSV to List Mapping step found under Integration > Excel and CSV.
I have made a short example to show you how to use it in a way that you might need it. You might need to refer to the attached images.
In the image Employee Spreadsheet
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