Service Host Manager not starting
Hi all, Im running into an error when I try to start Service Host Manager. I cant start this Decisions server because of it. Heres the error from our logs:
Service cannot be started. System.Exception: error bootstrapping ---> System.Exception: error running update query [update folder_state set [archived] = @archived4, [archived_by] = deleted_by, [archived_date] = DATEADD(day,30,deleted_on) where deleted = @deleted1 and (archived = @archived2 or archived is null)] ---> System.Exception: Error executing database command: update folder_state set [archived] = @archived4, [archived_by] = deleted_by, [archived_date] = DATEADD(day,30,deleted_on) where deleted = @deleted1 and (archived = @archived2 or archived is null) Error message: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
The statement has been terminated. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The wait operation timed outAny help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Betsy,
Service Host Manager has a built-in timeout for query executions set a hard limit of thirty seconds. When SHM starts, it runs a set of queries to prepare the configuration data present in your instances database for Decisions. You will typically see an error like this with [b]Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.[/b] in a log message for one of two reasons. The first being that the SQL server instance your Decisions installation runs from is not running, and the second (and more likely cause) being that the table(s) referenced in the query shown in the error message contains millions of tuples. When certain tables in a Decisions database have millions of entries, the queries required to start Decisions will take over thirty seconds to execute. If you find yourself in that situation, the way to fix this would be to copy the query in this error message, paste it into the query editor of your DBMS, replace the @var tokens with a hard value, and run the query in your DBMS before attempting to restart SHM. Sometimes there will be more than one query to time out in this situation, and all of them will have to be executed manually before SHM can start. You can run this version of that query in your DBMS to prevent the error and start SHM normally:
[font=Roboto]update folder_state set archived = 1, archived_by = deleted_by, archived_date = DATEADD(day,30,deleted_on) where deleted = 1 and (archived = 0 or archived is null)[/font]
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