Data Flow Reuse
I need to be able to reuse the same data flow many times throughout my form. Here is the functionality I am trying to achieve:
[ul][li]User selects a value from a drop down list[/li][li]Data Flow is triggered using the users form component selection as input and returns an output String[/li][li]The output String is assigned to a label[/li][/ul]
My issue arises when trying to apply this functionality more than once because the data flows input is still using the original form component as input. I need to somehow be able to change the input of this data flow each time I need to populate a new label. -
[color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, appleLogo, sans-serif]Labels shouldnt be able to dynamically change in this way after the form is loaded. However, It should work using other displays.[/font][/color]
What do you mean other displays?
Apologies for the previous response. It is definitely possible to update multiple labels dynamically on a form from a data flow using a dropdown list. Ive included an example project below showing how to do this.
The example uses three different data flows covering three different scenarios:
[b]- Label Test Data Flow 1[/b] outputs multiple values to populate two different labels
- [b]Label Test Data Flow 2 [/b]outputs a single value, unique from the labels populated in the two previous labels
- [b]Label Test Data Flow 3[/b] checks whether the label is empty. If it is, it updates the label value based on the selected dropdown item, if it isnt, it maintains the current label value.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this example, happy to clarify.
Howdy, Stranger!
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