Removing and reinstalling a Project on a server.
We have 4 Decisions servers (and 1 Repository Server) in our deployment. We are running into an issue where part of a Project is not working correctly on one of the 4 servers. Our developers would us like to (as a test) remove and redeploy the project on the single server where it fails. I cannot find find anything in the documentation which addresses this type of situation. I would appreciate any help you could give.
An issue of this nature may arise if the project is not exported/pushed completely from one environment to another. To overcome this, you can deploy the project once again on the server and select appropriate import resolutions based on the object condition in the current server. Refer to and for further details. If not, you can delete the complete project from the current server and re-deploy it from a server where the project is in a good state.
Please try this out and feel free to contact us if you have any issues at
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