Lines connecting between Steps
Hello All,
I have imported an old flow that I had made in a previous version of Decisions. I noticed that the connecting lines between steps behave differently than in my other flows (Sharp angles, moving diagonally,etc). Is there a setting I can change to have the connecting lines behave similar to my other flows? Below is an example screenshot between the two.
[i]edited by Samuel Bean on 2/18/2020[/i] -
Hello Sam,
We can change the link line style between steps in the flow’s properties panel. To access these settings:
[ul][li]Open the flow in the flow Designer
[/li][li]In the properties panel, navigate to the “Shape Defaults” header
[/li][li]Change the Link Line Type to either “Default” or “Rounded/Cornered” depending on the version.
Additionally, if Rounded/Cornered options are selected, we can define if the lines can “Jump” (Adding a bump over intersecting lines) over one another. Below is a screenshot of the a flows properties panel, along with the setting highlighted.
Howdy, Stranger!
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