Getting my Data onto a Form?
Hi all,
Im trying to display all this data from one of my User Defined Datatypes in a flow. How can I accomplish this?
[i]edited by jmcmann49 on 2/17/2020[/i] -
Hey Hey,
When it comes to displaying a User Defined (AKA Complex) data type onto a form, well be utilizing the [b]Data Grid [/b]functionality (link to our documentation - [url=][/url])
The things well need:
[ul][li]Form with a Data Grid component[/li][li]A list of your complex data type [/li][/ul]
First, lets configure the data grid inside the form designer. When configuring your data grid, youll have to select your complex data type. In my case, Im selecting CarExample_FlowExecution.[img]att4[/img]
We then can select our columns to keep and re-arrange them how we see fit.
Back in the main flow, well map in our list of objects to the form input which should be available.
Then, after all this, we can see the data displayed with the fields we ended up choosing to be displayed!
Howdy, Stranger!
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