\"Make Data as Forms Output\" is missing
About a month ago I posted asking about how to set data that does not have a flow as out put (Thread: [url=https://support.decisions.com/forum/topic2645-output-data-that-does-not-have-a-control.aspx]https://support.decisions.com/forum/topic2645-output-data-that-does-not-have-a-control.aspx[/url]). I was told that I could check a box on the data flow setup titled "Make Output Data As Forms Output" and it worked. I was on V6 at the time. Since then we have downgraded to V5.17.0.61365 . Since the downgrade this option has disapeared and I would like to know how to output the data now that it is gone. Ive attatched an image of The Edit DataFlow window where it should be appearing.
Jeremy -
Hi Jeremy,
Unfortunately, this option is not available on 5.x. However, you can set a workaround to use this functionality by putting hidden components on your form and map flow data into these components. This will allow you to output data on your form. You can hide a form component by unchecking initially visible option on component Behavior properties. Please check the attachment as a reference.
Thank you
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