Unrecoverable Failed Production Upgrade!

Unrecoverable Failed Production Upgrade!


  • I had to take a screen shot of the error log because posting as text breaks your forum!
    [i]edited by tedhogan on 1/20/2022[/i]

  • I see you were able to resolved this issue through a Support ticket. Ill add resolution here for future reference.

    Error code:1072 usually suggests an issue with Windows services and restarting the VM and running the installer again should fix the issue.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2023

    I have a failed production upgrade on version 6.14 -> 6.19. It deleted the service host manager on me and appear to be broken now and unrecoverable. Any thoughts?

    This is in the logs:

    [i]edited by tedhogan on 1/20/2022[/i]

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