Group Permissions for Workflows in Repository
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]After upgrading to Decisions release 6.5, we find that any group permissions have configured for a Workflow Catalog folder (after the folder has been added to the project) will not be included in the repository. Consequently, we must reconfigure those permissions in every environment that receives the update from the application repository. How do we get the group permission registration object included in the deployment of our Workflow Catalog entries?[/font]
The first thing to try would be removing the Workflow Catalog Item from your project, exporting the item again while making sure Add Folder & Contents is checked, and adding back into the project in your Repository.
If all else fails, run
select ef.entity_name as Folder, ar. entity_name as GroupFolderRight, ar.group_access_rights_id as ID from group_folder_access_right ar join entity_folder ef on ar.entity_folder_id = ef.folder_id group by ef.entity_name, ar.entity_name, ar.group_access_rights_id
in your DBMS, find any items with your Workflow Catalog Items name, enter them into the attached project to manually export them, and import those items to your project in the Repository.
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