Merge HTML Text
Hi, A quick question on Merge HTML Text.
I have a string in the flow which has built-in newline characters like this:
line 1: asdf
Date: 2020-01-24
Id of Id: asdf
Type: asdf
Other Id: ID123
Other Type: asdf
Int: 1
Some Letter: PI’m putting the entire string variable into the Merge HTML Text Editor. When it is printed on the view, it shows them as a single line without line-breaks.
What am I missing to see the newlines?
There are least two ways to accomplish this. Both methods make use of a Split String by New Line step, a ForEach step, and either a Create Data step or a Custom Merge (NVelocity) step. Both methods involve splitting the input string into an array, iterating through that array, and merging each line into a new string. Here are two demo flows showing how to arrange this.
In Vertical Comment Example2, there is an HTML Merge within the loop that appends the new line to the string output.
[img]att2[/img]In Vertical Comment Example 3, the merge is done with a Custom Merge (NVelocity) step with an HTML break tag between the tokens.
[i]edited by on 2/10/2020[/i]
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