Radio Button on Form Always Shows One Selection
I have a Radio Button list in a form, with a Yes and No option. I have the Static Default Value set to No on the Radio Button properties. However, this form is re-used in an approval process in another part of the flow, and it always defaults to No on that form too, even though the choice was sometimes Yes. I am also not able to map anything into the Radio Button List, but I am still able to for other form components.
Why is this?
The Static Default Value is a form option, and will always override any input coming from the flows the form is involved in. These steps are my recommendation to resolve this:
[ul][li]In the form, disable the Static Default Value.
[/li][li]Back in the flow, navigate to the first form in the process, the one where No should be the default answer.
[/li][li]Click on the Show Form step, notice that the Radio Button List is now an input option under the Inputs tab (by default it is named selected Radio Button).
[ul][li]Set the input type to Constant, and then type No (without the quotes) as the input. Note this is case-sensitive.
[/li][li]Once this is done, navigate to the second Show Form step where No should not be the default input. Map the selected Radio Button input to the Radio Button List on the inputs tab.
[ul][li]Save and Close.
[/li][/ul]This will ensure that the choice will always be No upon the forms initial viewing, but the second approval iteration will always be what was selected on the first.Hope this helps!
Following my previous response, you can also set the Radio Button output of the initial form to [i]Change Value. [/i]This would clean up the values traveling through the flow by replacing the default Radio Button selection with the users choice. Ive attached a link to a Lunch and Learn where we demonstrate this method.
Additionally, we have a free daily Lunch and Learn Q&A from 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST where we often answer questions like these! If thats something you would be interested in, you can [url=]sign up here[/url]!
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