Changing Decisions Account to AD
I have a Decisions account in my Designer Studio with all the permissions set for this account. However, now that we have Active Directory configured, I want to make sure this account gets synced. If I run an AD sync, will this account get updated? If not, how do I get this account syncd up to our AD?
[i]edited by on 2/4/2020[/i] -
If you have accounts manually created in Decisions and you run the AD sync afterwards, the AD version of the account will not sync. We normally recommend deleting the local Decisions accounts and running the sync afterwards to pull them down. However, this will not keep the original accounts existing permissions and groups. To convert a manually created account to an Decisions AD account (and keep existing groups / permissions), see steps below:
To convert accounts created from Decisions (i.e. accounts with Password as their Authentication Type), youll need to make the updates to their authentication_type and user_identifier in the database. See below for a sample of the query:
[quote=]update entity_account set authentication_type = ActiveDirectory, user_identifier = {Identifier_From_AD} where email_address = {Desired_Email_Address}[/quote]
Sample: update entity_account set authentication_type = ActiveDirectory, user_identifier = althea where email_address = althea@decisions.comPlease note: The value for {User_Identifier} should come directly from your AD. However the format will depend on whether your AD settings (in Decisions) has a login Prefix set.
For Example:
If your Decisions AD settings has "Use No Login Prefix" = true, then user_identifier will be the exact identifier set in AD for the account (e.g. billy).
If your Decisions AD settings has "Use No Login Prefix" = false, then user_identifier will be the following format: Login_Prefixuser_identifier (e.g. EXilly).Once this query has been run in the database, youll need to restart Service Host Manager in Windows Services. When Decisions comes back up, re-running the AD sync should update these accounts with AD and should not lose any existing permissions they have.
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