Require Comments on Reject
I have a need to require comments when a Task is rejected via email. Is there a sample of how to do this?
Hi Chris,
I believe what youre looking for may be found here:
If you look down at the section regarding Email When Response Does not Match" I believe that should work for your needs. Just configure it so it will only accept a certain response for rejection. If that rejection response is not met, it will send a different email stating that the response was not valid.
I have that one configured correctly, however, when the Rejection comes in and the response matches i want to run a flow to ensure that comments were provided for the rejection, and only complete the task if they are. If they are not provided i want to send an email back to the task owner and have them resubmit with comments.
Hello Christopher,
You can implement logic to check the comment for the reject path of the email in the form of rule after the reject paths outcome. If the rejection comment is empty, you can send an identical assignment over again with the same data. If the rejection comment exists, the flow will be able to continue.
[img]att2[/img]Ive attached an example of how to do this in a demo project. Feel free to import and review this.
[i]edited by on 2/24/2020[/i]
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