Factory Reset
We are working on a Dev server. Can we clear all the rules/flows whatever weve created so far? We are looking for something like a factory reset. Is there any way to do it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You can re-install your dev server on a brand new database while keeping the older Decisions database intact. To do so:
[ul][li]First, ensure that there arent any users working on the server. [/li][li]Stop Service Host Manager and Service Host Manager Watch in Windows Services. [/li][li]Then, open your DBMS and create a new empty database. [/li][li]Run the Decisions installer and select Change Settings on Update. The only thing you will need to change is the DB Database field pictured below. [/li][li]Change this field to match the name of your newly created empty database, and finish the installation. [/li][/ul]When Decisions starts up again, it will be pointed to the new database and behave exactly like a brand new installation. If you ever want to switch back to the old database, run the installer again and change the DB Database field to the old database name.[img]att1[/img]
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