Is my Decisions server using HTTP/2?
How can I determine if my Decisions server is using HTTP or HTTP/2?
Hello Peanut,
First, you should confirm that the endpoint supports HTTP/2. You can test that here: [url=][/url]
If HTTP/2 is supported:
[li][color=rgb(0, 0, 0)][font=Arial]Navigate to the Decisions endpoint[/font][/color][/li][li]Open Chrome Dev Tools (Ctrl-Shift-I)[/li][li]Open the Network tab[/li][li]If your page has already loaded, you may need to refresh (Ctrl-R)[/li][li]Right-click on the header row of the request list (the row labelled: Name, Method, Status, etc.)[/li][li]Select Protocol from the context menu.[/li][li]You may need to refresh again (Ctrl-R), and you will see all the protocols being used.[/li][li]If you see h2, then Decisions is being served over HTTP/2.[/li][/ol]
[color=rgb(127, 140, 141)][font=Roboto]"[img]att1[/img]"[/font][/color]
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