Question about manually updating a State
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Good afternoon,[/font]
I am wondering if there is a way for someone to manually update the state of a flow execution extension that has ended.
Example of what Im running into -- I have a large flow that takes a record through several different approval "states" as it moves through the flow.
For several records, the flow run errored out and ended - so they are stuck at the state that they were in when the flow errored out.
Since we are showing our leadership records based on this state value - we would like to know if there is a way for us to manually be able to update the state value to the correct value for submissions where the flow has already ended.
This would allow us to move them to the correct "state" instead of just leaving them in an incorrect state.
I can provide more details as needed. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Hi Betsy,
A User Action with an Action Visibility Rule is a good way to accomplish this.
In the types configuration folder, there is an option to create a User Action. A User Action Flow is folder and entity aware, so a [b]Set Entity State[/b] step can be used in the new User Action Flow with the [b]new state as a string[/b] and [b]Folder.FolderID from Flow Data mapped into entity Id[/b].
You can then follow the Set Entity State step up with a [b]Save Entities[/b] step with [b]FlowExtensionData mapped into Entity[/b].
Save & exit the new User Action Flow, and create an Action Visibility Rule that will filter the new action by its name, the entitys state, and the current users groups if necessary. (this will prevent end-users from accessing this action)
[i]More on Action Visibility Rules: [/i][url=][/url]
[i]edited by on 2/3/2020[/i]
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