Checking if user running flow has assignments

Checking if user running flow has assignments


  • I have a need to check if the current user accessing a page has assignments. Is there a way to do this in a rule? I am looking for assignments to a specific application we are creating. With this data i want to show a Dashboard if they have assignments and a different dashboard if they dont. Unless there is a way to hide a section of a dashboard with this info.

  • You can use the "Get My Current Assignments" step from Integration -> Internal Services -> Assignment to get the assignments for the current user.

  • That works, i now have a flow that returns true or false if the user has tasks for my application. Can i use this to hide a row / section on a Dashboard? I want to hide the whole My Tasks row on the dashboard in the image.
    [i]edited by christopher_salas on 1/30/2020[/i]

  • It would be fine if i could run a flow to decide what page to show when a user clicked on a link in the Portal. Not sure if that is possible either.

  • You can do this ->

    Add a page to a Folder and set permissions for the folder via the flow for the account in question.

    1. To add a page to a folder -
      a. Create a Normal Folder(not designer)
      b. Add a page to the folder(screenshot attached)

    2. Set Permissions for the folder for the account by running a flow -
      a. there are couple of steps that you can user here - Add Account Permission, Revoke Account Permission from Integration -> Internal Services -> FolderService
      b. By adding/removing permissions to the account you can decide if you want to show a specific folder(page) or not.
      c. Permission Type = "Can View","1/30/2020 9:14:33 PM

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