User field
Can I add more field to user account ,such as idcard, passport no.
Yes, data extension are used to add fields to a data structure. With this you will be able to add those fields to all user accounts. Please refer to our Documentation site for more information on setting up a [url=]Data Extension[/url]. -
Hi, Do you have more example because maybe [url=]Data Extension docs[/url] may not complete.
I want to add more fields on account, such as idcard, education level, etc. I dont know how to use Data Extension to meet my requirement.
[i]edited by k_sukhum on 1/30/2020[/i] -
The ending of the Document is showing that when you fetch accounts, the variables you added should show in the data tree under Entity Results. To set values for a specific account you will need to use an Update Entities step.
Ive follow Data Extension docs but I didnt see Full Name at result.
[i]edited by k_sukhum on 1/30/2020[/i] -
Yes, they will not show in the output of the Fetch Entities step. However, these variables can be used and manipulated in the flow.
[i]edited by on 1/31/2020[/i] -
Why I didt have like you. Or because my Decisions version?
Data Extensions are available in Decisions 6.3.
The additional data from Data Extensions will not be available in outputs from Fetch Entities steps but are tacked onto the results in the flows data.
This data becomes available when mapping the inputs and outputs of data elsewhere in the flow.
In this case, the Data Extension Flow needs to have a text merge, which can be done in a number of ways. In the version I created, I used a Create Data step to merge Account.FirstName[space]Account.LastName and passed that string to an output in my Data Extension Flow as Full Name. Ive created a working Data Extension flow to add Full Name to the Account type, and a flow that has data from this Data Extension mapped into it to demonstrate. Feel free to import these items and look through their configuration.
[i]edited by on 1/31/2020[/i] -
Thanks , Its work.
May I ask you another question. If I want to add more field to account ,such as religion , how to do it.
For fields like religion, for which you cant define values like FullName(FirstName+LastName), you will need to create a new data structure that will have accountID, religion as their fields.
Howdy, Stranger!
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