Data Field not found in List
Hi all, Im building out a flow, and I keep getting this error message:
[img]att2[/img]I think its related to a drop-down list in my form, but I dont know whats causing the issue. Can anyone help with this? Heres the properties of the drop-down:
[i]edited by Curious Betsy on 1/28/2020[/i]
[i]edited by Curious Betsy on 1/28/2020[/i] -
I noticed that the list items data-name and selected item(s) data-name are identical for your CallListDropDown in the Configure Schedule form. They have the same base type but are treated as different types by Decisions because one is an array and the other is a singular item. The fact that there are two separate data declarations of differing types with the same data name is why you are getting this error. Changing the Selected Item(s) Data Name for that drop-down list will clear that error out. Its important to avoid having identical data-names for objects of differing types.
[i]edited by on 1/28/2020[/i]
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