XSLT Step Throwing Errors applying stylesheet

XSLT Step Throwing Errors applying stylesheet


  • We are using XSLT transformation in one of our Flows. XSLT step is returning below error.

    But we verified the XSLT file and its working fine in our local XSLT processor.

    I have attached XSLT file and XML input file

    Name: [b][BusinessRule] XSLT stylesheet format is invalid[/b]
    Exception Message: [b][BusinessRule] XSLT stylesheet format is invalid

    Input Values:
    -- No Data --

    Exception Stack Trace: DecisionsFramework.BusinessRuleException: [BusinessRule] XSLT stylesheet format is invalid at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.CoreSteps.XML.ApplyXSLTStylesheetStep.ApplyXslt(TextReader xmlDocReader, TextReader xsltReader) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.CoreSteps.XML.ApplyXSLTStylesheetStep.Run(StepStartData data) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.RunStepInternal(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, KeyValuePairDataStructure[] stepRunDataValues, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData) at DecisionsFramework.Design.Flow.FlowStep.Start(String flowTrackingID, String stepTrackingID, FlowStateData data, AbstractFlowTrackingData trackingData, RunningStepData currentStepData)[/b]
    [i]edited by One Buffalo on 1/27/2020[/i]

  • In older versions of the Microsoft .Net Framework a bug exists that causes errors on processing long or complex XSL Stylesheets. Some details about the issue can be found here: [url=https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16091351/exception-stylesheet-is-too-complex-when-loading-large-xslt-in-net-4-5/16341246]https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16091351/exception-stylesheet-is-too-complex-when-loading-large-xslt-in-net-4-5/16341246[/url]

    In order to resolve the issue, a change is required to the DecisionsServiceHost.exe.config file located at C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services Manager to turn off complexity limitation.

    The attached snippet must be added after the configuration tag.

    Once the change is made, a restart of the Service Host Manager service is required.

    Ive also attached the full DecisionsServiceHost.exe.config file with the added snippet for reference.
    [i]edited by jason@decisions.com on 1/27/2020[/i]

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