The Decisions DevOps Lifecycle
Developing software in Decisions is a conceptually similar process to that of developing in code, though it is [url=]streamlined[/url] to an extent. Flows can be treated as classes or even individual methods.
Due to the nature of Decisions, integration after a project’s deployment is faster and easier than in the traditional object-oriented software development lifecycle.
The testing process checks the actual use of an application in the DevOps. Beta testers produce results while still ensuring that the application can meet its requirements in a live environment. The testing process gives more information about different aspects of an application that in turn is sent to the development process to improve the application.
Backend Unit Testing
Decisions is capable of creating and validating unit tests and running those in batches on a schedule.
To learn more about how you can leverage Decisions Unit Testing Frameworks see the below links
[/li][li][url=]Running in a flow[/url]
[/li][li][url=]Unit testing advanced[/url]
[/li][li][url=]Using the flow debugger[/url][/li][/ul]Front End Unit Testing
[ul][li]Decisions can be tested in-browser with tools like [url=]Selenium[/url][/li][/ul]Load Testing
[ul][li]Tools like [url=]Apache JMeter[/url] can be used for load testing[/li][/ul]
[b]Monitoring[/b]Monitoring of a project in Decisions can be accomplished in multiple ways, from log steps placed in flows, to creating a data type to store outputs from exceptions for exception handling to generating emails containing dor exceptions. Additionally, every flow has built-in metadata that can be used for tracking or context-aware logic.
Helpful Links:
[ul][li][url=]Logging Overview[/url]
[/li][li][url=]Exception Handling[/url]
[/li][li][url=]View all running flows[/url]
[b]Feedback[/b]Flows can be built into your projects for your customers to offer any feedback internally. You could even build a support system into your projects to track every instance of a complaint, question, or compliment related to your project with the aid of a Flow Execution Extension.
[ul][li][url=]Demo Project[/url]
[b]Deployment[/b]Decision’s Repository feature can be used to control versions, auditing, and deployment of your projects.
Helpful Links:
[ul][li][url=]Installing and Configuring the Designer Repository[/url]
[/li][li][url=]Repository FAQ[/url]
[/li][li][url=]Repository Features and Functions[/url]
[/li][li][url=]Repository Revisions[/url]
[b]Operations[/b]Create data types for what you need to keep track of, and the use of reports in tandem with dashboards, tiles and even Gantt Charts can help you to monitor your project as a whole.
[/li][li][url=]Gantt Charts[/url]
[b]Security in Decisions[/b]Security plays a role in software development that is as important as it is understated. Decisions takes security into account in a variety of ways:
[ul][li]A built-in group and account system compatible with [url=]AD Sync[/url] and [url=]SSO[/url]
[/li][li]Individual [url=]permissions[/url] for every group, account, folder, and user action with toggleable [url=]permissions inheritance[/url]
[/li][li]Steps that can dynamically add or remove permissions from users, groups, and folders depending on the logic of your flow
[/li][li]The ability for permissions of entities to be checked or compared in rules and even reported on through our entity framework
[/li][li]Using [url=]Data Extensions[/url] to control who can interact with specific data types through flow logic
[/li][li]Support for account verification and the ability to specify [url=]automatic flow execution[/url]s after a user has logged into the portal
[/li][li][url=]Guest account[/url] feature
[/li][li]Support for [url=]HTTPS/SSL[/url]
[/li][li]Use of [url=]Agents[/url] to minimize the footprint of calls to external services or databases
[/li][li]Auditing of changes to elements and user logins including [url=]impersonated logins[/url]
[/li][li]The ability for one Decisions instance to manage many other instances of Decisions via [url=]Multi-Tenancy[/url]
[b]API Keys, Passwords, and OAuth Tokens[/b]The handling of keys and passwords have been a major point of weakness in the security of software development as a whole. Decisions makes it easy to identify which processes are making use of these critical pieces of data through our [url=]dependency[/url] browser, and through the ability to control who can access, view, use, or edit processes or folders containing them.
[i]edited by on 1/31/2020[/i]
[i]edited by on 9/25/2020[/i]
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