Remove Breadcrumb Folder
Hi Support,
I currently have a dashboard that my end users access via the Decisions portal. How do I remove the breadcrumb folder from the top right selection?
Thanks in advance
Hi Lee,
There is a setting that will allow you to disable the folder view tab (Breadcrumb) for users.
You can find this in the portal settings under the following path: System > Settings > Portal Settings
There is a setting named Show Default Page if User Page Specified. This will hide the folder view tab for all your users when deselected / unticked.
Hiding folders is also achieved by adjusting permissions. This would be more suitable if you want some portal users to access the folder structure and others to not. Further details of this are found in the following documentation: [url=][/url]
Alternatively if your users are guests, the following explains how this functionality can be managed: [url=][/url]
[i]edited by on 7/28/2020[/i]
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