Cancelling Guest Assignments
I was wondering if it is possible to cancel a guest link assignment?
Yes. This can be done either manually or automatically via running a flow.
[b]Manually Cancelling Assignments:[/b]
First, create a report containing all guest assignments. The data source for this report should be [b]Assignment[/b] and use the assignment filter, [b]Assigned to user[/b] and insert GUEST as the user. This will ensure only guest assignment will display on report. Add necessary data fields, save report, and [b]Run Report. [/b]To delete the assignment: Right click assignment > Delete Form Assignment
[img]att2[/img][b]Automatically Cancelling Assignments:[/b]
Using a [b]Fetch Entities [/b]step, add fetch criteria [b]allAssignment [/b]equals GUEST to pull all guest assignments. Next, you a [b]For Each [/b]step and [b]Delete Entity [/b]step to then delete all guest assignments. Type Name for both fetch entities and delete entity should be set to [b]Assignment[/b]. A sample flow of this is attached.
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