Filter a Case Entity on Extended_folder data
Is there a way to filter a Case Entity on extended_folder data in the Fetch Entity component? Currently you have to fetch all the entities and then run a rule collection filter to weed out the ones you dont want. This seems very inefficient. You may have several thousand cases, and only need to retrieve a small subset of them.
In my case, Im trying to filter by state. In order to do so I have to get all the cases and then filter. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
You can do this by setting the types on the fetch entities step correctly. In the type field select folder and in the extension field select your case type. Then you can filter on either the case or the folder properties in the fetch criteria list.
[i]edited by on 1/20/2020[/i] -
Thank you Will! That worked perfectly. Thats one of those concepts that should be covered in the Intermediate track. We dealt with cases as the main data type, but all the Fetch Entities steps didnt clarify this.
Thanks again!
Howdy, Stranger!
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