File download
Hey i was curious if there was a flow step that allows me to download a file for the current user that works like the download form control?
thank you
Hey Frank,
Unfortunately at the moment, we dont have a step specifically that allows you to download a [b]File [/b]to a[b] Local File System[/b] without the use of[url=] FTP[/url].
That being said, we do have a step called[b] [Form] Download File[/b] that allows you to map [b]FileData [/b]and download it to the default [b]File Storage [/b]location on the [b]File System [/b]without having to design a Form containing the File Download component.
You can find it in the [b]DESIGNER ENTITIES > FORMS [INTERACTION][/b] category in the [b]Steps Toolbox [/b]in the [b]Flow Designer[/b].
Hope that helps, have a good day!
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