Question about retrieving data structures
hello, I was wondering what the best way to retrieve a data structures data members is? Im trying to recover the structures column name and NOT the value.
thank you.
Good afternoon Frank,
I believe the easiest way to do this would to do this would be to use the [b]Get Property Names on Object[/b] step.
This step simply takes the desired [b]Data Structure /b in as a [b]Target [/b]under the steps INPUTS.
Running a [b]Flow [/b]containing the step will [b]Output [/b]the [b]Data Structures Data Members [/b]in the form of a [b]String List[/b].
If you want to learn more about this step and other Object steps check out our series of Object documents starting with [url=]Object Overview[/url] or [url=]Configuring Object Properties With Flow Steps[/url].
Hope this helps, have a good day!
Howdy, Stranger!
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