Updating a document in a flow
Hello All,
I am looking to see if I can use a flow to update a specific file that is used in Decisions. The file will be stored on the Decisions side. I know we can use an action on the document to update it, but I would rather have it handled in a flow instead.
It’s possible for us to update a file using a flow. There is a step, under Integration -> Internal Services -> Document Service called “UpdateDocument” that may accomplish what you are looking for. The step inputs requires the documentID, along with the modified file to be used. Below is a screenshot of the properties panel of the step.
[img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_S24yE3_3XRvZdyFIpKnpHn1ruNAnSD0XUZZQz0rL2OVrfHdICn4BJbdnJm3v0jxKVdbyqt4q-o3kLrlI20IT1nPWHJ7fCZyYmTsCc9VdAQYfZzO_FVb9wE4WL0ENc9EmTfbkY-4[/img]To use the step:
Get the DocumentID of the file in Decisions. This can be found by right clicking the file -> Get Document ID. Paste this into the documentID step.
For File Data input, we would set it to constant, and select/drag the new file file to the step.After running the flow, the selected file will be updated in Decisions.
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