Output data that does not have a control
So I have a form that I am passing an array of type FileData[]. I have some data flows that add or remove Items from that array. I need to then output that array so that I have it in the flow but I can not figure out how to add that to an outcome scenario since it does not have a form control. I know it is possible because are Decisions resource did the same thing in another spot but looking at his work I still cant figure it out. If you could explain how to do this or link me to something that I missed in the documentation I would appreciate it.
I just wanted to clarify things so I understand. You are trying to pass your data flows information as output of your form, correct?
Pretty much. The list is passed in as an input to the form. The data flow edits the list. I then want to pass it back out of the form and into my flow
When you are editing your data flow. There should be a checkbox named "Make Output Data AS Forms Output" Checking this should allow you to output your data flow results.
[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/0_UuNn9WNvzYTqyjs2SKZKkVVqv4LwN50PS2lu8j1rHfefZtlab3D-Q0rMs18qgbKBGf5Y4mffvoWKF9IlTUJgutVeDO6IKGT457ehHa70D0QqLvpx-AxKRkYfkiteZmhq9ssXAR[/img] -
Thank you!
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