Generated Email Authentication
I am following the demonstration to setup assignments in order to work exclusively through email
and was wondering if it is possible to configure the email so that it does not involve spoofing or fail domain authentication (for obvious security reasons).
A few more things: Is Timespan the right setting for scheduled jobs that need to run every X minutes? Should I use IMAP or POP? And if I specify an SMTP server in my flows, can I use the same account with IMAP steps without any issues?
To send authenticated emails from Decisions, you can [url=]edit the app servers default SMTP settings from the installer[/url], specify SMTP server settings for individual Send Email steps through SMTP Settings in the steps properties, or use Send Email with Custom Server steps.
Yes, Timespan scheduling is the way to go if youre planning to check an email inbox every X minutes. Whether you would use IMAP or POP to integrate with email accounts depends on the provider but you would be using IMAP for the vast majority of cases. Using the same email account for both SMTP and IMAP will not conflict in any way, you can even work with the account with both protocols in the same flow.
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