Disabled flow warning in logs
Recently, after using one of the default converter flows as a subflow, Ive received an warning message the log files which states that this flow is disabled. Is it possible for me to enable these flows to stop the warning message from appearing in the logs?
Hello Sam,
There is an option to enable flows, but the setting is hidden depending on the behavior type of the flow.
To enable one of the default conversion flows, such as “Convert String to Int”, we would have to navigate to where they are stored.
The default conversion flows can be found under System -> Designers -> Catalog -> System Defaults -> Converter Flows. To enable a flow:
[ul][li]Open the flow in the flow Designer
[/li][li]On the “Properties” panel -> expand Settings, and change the behavior type from “Converter Flow” to “Default Flow Behavior”, then save the flow.
[/li][li]After saving the flow, expand Settings again, note that there is now an labeled “Enabled”
[/li][li]Expand “Enabled” and check the corresponding box. Afterwards, Save the flow, then change the behavior type back to “converter flow” and save again.
[/li][/ul]The flow should now be enabled. To confirm, check the properties of the flow in the studio view. Enabled should now be set to true. I have also attached a screenshot of the properties panel of the flow, and highlighted the options that need to be changed.
Do we know why this happened? This happened to me and caused my production flows to error. Do i need to watch for this ongoing?
Hello Christopher,
Something like this can usually happen during an update to a major Decisions version (i.e. updating from 5.18 to 6.7.0).
A core modules contents may not have transferred over correctly from version to version and caused the converted flow to be disabled.It is something to look out for but mainly something to watch when making major changes/updates to Decisions.
Howdy, Stranger!
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