Help with csv import

Help with csv import


  • hi, im trying to import a csv file into decisions and I was curious, will decisions produce an error if i use special characters in the rows on my csv file?
    such as ?$% etc...
    thank you

  • Unknown
    edited November 2023

    Hi Frank,

    As long as the [b]CSV File [/b]you are importing is using [b]UTF-8 [/b]encoding (which is how [b]CSV Files [/b]in [b]Google[/b] [b]Sheets [/b]are encoded), Decisions will not throw an error when using special characters in the [b]Rows[/b].

    If youre importing it using one of the [b]Import CSV or Excel File[/b] steps, be sure to set the [b]Input File Encoding [/b]to match the imported file.

    Hope this helps! Have a great day!
    [i]edited by on 12/17/2021[/i]
    [i]edited by on 12/17/2021[/i]

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