How to Watermark Images
I would like to place my logo as a watermark in a PDF file. I am curious if Decisions can do this or if I need to resort to a different program.
For PDFs, Decisions can do this with the [b]Add Image to PDF [/b]step to insert an image into your PDF file based on your defined parameters. You can designate if how large the image is based on percentage of the total page or by points to give it a fixed size. You can also designate the location of the watermark with the Vertical and Horizontal Placement settings. Finally, you also determine if this watermark will appear on all pages or only those specified via disabling the Add to All PDF Pages setting.
However, this step [b]cannot change the images opacity[/b]. If you already have your logo saved as a lower opacity watermark, this will be no issue. If not; however, then you will need to change this in a different program. I suggest lowering the opacity to around 10% to preserve readability of your PDF.
I want to note there is also the [b]Add Image to Word Doc [/b]step that can replicate the same thing but for Word .docx files.
[i]edited by on 12/15/2021[/i]
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