Get Database structure data as CSV file
[color=rgb(29, 28, 29)][font=Slack-Lato, appleLogo, sans-serif]I wanted to know how I can get a csv file as output from the data stored in a database structure. One way is generating a report and setting return type as csv in run report step. CouId you please let me know if there is an alternate way?[/font][/color] -
Hello Divya,
You can use the [b]List to CSV Mapping[/b] step to output a data structure to a CSV file. Please refer below links for more information and an example project for this step: me know if this helps or if you have any questions.
Thank you.I have another question.How could I download the CSV file to local system.I have tried to import it as csv from database structure but I wanted to download it via flow. -
Please refer for information on downloading files from a Flow.
The referred example uses a file generated form the HTML to PDF step instead of the List to CSV Mapping step, though the rest of the process should remain the same.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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