Displaying my Report Data on an Excel?
Hi all,
Currently Im trying to export a report onto an spreadsheet using this spreadsheet Ive made in excel. Ive been playing around with the Set Values In Column and Set Values in Row steps but it doesnt seem to be accomplishing it properly or efficiently.
Whats the best way to display my values onto my excel template?
Hey hey,
So when were trying to display our report data onto an excel template, there will be two steps well use:
[b]Fetch Entities [/b]and [b]List to Mapping CSV [/b]
[b]Fetch Entities [/b]will grab the datatype holding your values. In this example, Im fetching a case entity I created that holds car data.[img]att1[/img]
Next, were going to throw in our [b]List to Mapping CSV [/b]step and input our [i]EntityResults [/i]which we will explain how to manipulate below.
If you look at the properties bar, the List to Mapping CSV step has a tick value called [i]Load Template [/i]which we will tick right under the [i]Start Data on Row[/i]. This allows something called [i]Template Data [/i]to pop-up in the step inputs. This is something well either set as a constant and upload, or pick something from the flow if you have that [i]FileData [/i]somewhere in your flow already.
Ive also got the data starting on row [b]2 [/b]as you can see since the first row has my headers.
After all that, click on [b]Show Item Mapping Editor[/b]. Set our ITEM on the right column to [i]Build Data[/i]. This creates a [i]Properties [/i]at the bottom of the left column. Click the three dots to edit this and add your respective field amounts*
*[i]NOTE: Each field represents the column number so if you want to start your data on the second column vs the first, simply start on Field02 vs Field01. [/i]
Now, this should create those respective Fields in the right column. Depending on your excel, map whichever values under the [b]__INPUT [/b]field in the left column to their respective fields (ie columns).[img]att3[/img]
Once youve configured all this, you should be able to run the flow and successfully input your values into the flow!
Howdy, Stranger!
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