Copying Designer Folder Redirects to My Account
We currently have a strange issue (maybe its not an issue) with copying Designer Folders.
When we copy a Designer Folder from the Parent Folder we are redirected to the My Account page instead of back to the folder we copied from. This doesnt happen when copying from other folders so im curious if this is just a one off thing.
Im happy to provide more details where necessary.
I am not able to replicate the issue. PFA the video where i am trying to replicate the issue. Can you please confirm you are doing something similar, but you are still end up at My Account page?
Can i also get you to confirm the Decisions version please.Thanks
I am not able to replicate the issue. PFA the video where i am trying to replicate the issue. Can you please confirm you are doing something similar, but you are still end up at My Account page?
Can i also get you to confirm the Decisions version please.Thanks[/quote]
Thanks for taking a look at this! What you are doing in the video is [b][i]almost[/i] [/b]how we are reproducing the issue[i]. [/i]Instead of copying the folder to a different parent, we copy the designer folder and place it under the same parent folder as the original. We are running Decisions 6.4.
Howdy, Stranger!
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