Question about Custom Images
Hi, I was curious if there was a way that anyone could use to delete items in the custom images folder? I cant seem to do it from the user portal. thank you
Hi Frank,
Unfortunately, [b]items [/b]in the [b]Custom Image Folder[/b] cant be deleted from the [b]Studio[/b]/[b]Portal[/b].
If you wish to remove items from this [b]Folder [/b]you can do so via [b]Flow [/b]by using a [b]Fetch Entities [/b]step that fetches [b]Documents [/b]with the specified [b]Fetch Criteria: " [/b]entityFolderID Contains entityFolderID".
By setting the [b]entity Folder ID [/b]under [b]INPUTS [/b]to the [b]CONSTANT [/b]value "CUSTOM IMAGES FOLDER" you can fetch [b]Documents [/b]from that specific [b]Folder[/b].
The resulting [b]Output [/b]from the [b]Fetch Entities [/b]step can then be parsed into a [b]ForEach Step [/b]to iterate through each individual [b]Item[/b].
These Items can then be sent to a [b]Form [/b]that contains a [b]Document Viewer [/b]and two [b]Button [/b]components. These [b]Buttons [/b]can be used to direct the Images to a "Delete" or "Keep" path.
From there, map the [b]Output [/b]from the [b]documentID [/b]from the [b]File Output [/b]by the [b]Delete [/b]path to a [b]Delete Document [/b]step; this step can be found in the [b]Toolbox [/b]tab under[b] INTEGRATION > INTERNAL SERVICES > DOCUMENT SERVICE[/b].
The [b]Outcome [/b]path for this can redirect to the [b]ForEach[/b] [b]Step[/b], and in turn to the [b]End [/b]step of the [b]Flow[/b].Hope this helps, if you have any more issues feel free to reach out to
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