Decisions as a Disaster Recovery Server
[font=Roboto]For reference, we have two production servers in a cluster, with the database for those servers constantly updating another DB to be an exact copy in case both of our production servers were to go down and a load balancer. What are the guidelines to set up a Decisions server for DR and what would be the most efficient way to switch service over to it?[/font]
Hi Betsy, your organization can [url=]configure Decisions to function as a disaster recovery server[/url] by setting up the DR server according to this document. For clustered environments, its okay for only one of the servers in the cluster to have a databaseid.txt file, as long as the databaseid.txt file in the DR servers file directory matches that one. If a DR event occurs, just start Service Host Manager and Service Host Manager Watcher from windows services in the DR server, and forward all traffic to the DR server from your load balancer. If the environment being copied to the DR Server through Always-on Replication is Multi-Tennant, go to the DR server’s settings.xml file and set UseInstancePrototype to false.
Additionally, if there any errors in the logs for a SQL query failing to back up DecisionsInstancePrototype, this can be rectified by taking an existing backup file of DecisionsInstancePrototype from another existing Decisions installation and placing it in the DR servers backup directory. If there any errors in the DR servers logs related to SSL errors, turn off Use Https in the DR servers Clustering settings.
[i]edited by on 2/13/2020[/i]
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