Stopping API calls routinely
Hey Decisions,
Is there anything that could terminate all outbound API connections every two minutes on the clock, regardless of how long the flow was running? This isn’t a timeout, more like a scheduled job. -
Outside of setting a timeout on each API call, there is at least one way to stop API calls. That would be to use a report filtered by flow name with some constant inputs of the names of flows that make API calls, passing that report output data into a flow that loops through the reports results and cancels each flow by its flow tracking ID, and using that flow to create a scheduled job. Ive created a demo project for this approach. To best use this method, make API calls in a subflow, add an on exception path to the subflows step if its called in another flow, and add the subflows name to the list in the running flow report for specific flows reports filter. It would also be helpful to have a catch exception step in any flow with an API call that might be canceled by the scheduled job.
Howdy, Stranger!
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