How to make a new flow constant
Hey, Im looking to set up a variable that appears in multiple flows as constant data. Can I do this in Decisions?
Hey Grass,
Yes, Decisions offers the ability to create your own constant data that appears globally across all Flows.
To achieve this, navigate to [b]System > Designers > Lookup Lists And Constants [/b]and select the [b]Add Defined Constant[/b] action at the top left of the folder. From here, a window will pop up up to define your variable so it may become constant data by asking for its Location, Value, etc.
For help configuring your constant data, I suggest reading our [url=]Establishing Constant Data (Global Variables)[/url] article that covers this in a step-by-step process that also explains each setting while configuring your new constant data. This also covers creation of an example constant data and where to locate your new custom constant data once done with creation. If you have further questions, feel free to return to thread and post them here!
Howdy, Stranger!
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